Homie Files Antitrust Lawsuit

At Homie, our mission has always been clear: to make homeownership more accessible and fair for everyone. Since our inception, we’ve been committed to challenging the status quo in the real estate industry, ensuring that the process of buying and selling a home is transparent, efficient, and equitable. Today, we are taking a bold step to further that mission by filing an antitrust lawsuit against the National Association of Realtors (NAR).

Homie was founded on the belief that homeownership should be accessible and fair for everyone and since 2015, Homie has saved consumers $140 million in commissions. Our fight is about so much more than savings – It’s about every homebuyer and seller who’s had to endure a system that puts profits over people. By shining a light on these unjust practices, we’re not just hoping for change—we’re demanding it. We envision a real estate industry where fairness and equity are the standards, not the exceptions. We’re committed to building a future where the real estate market works for everyone, not just a privileged few.

-The Homie Team